Archive for the ‘TASSP’ Category

Best and Worst Movie Genres

Posted: 19 January,2016 in TASSP, Uncategorized

Listen as a group of people talk about the style of movies that they love and hate. In this ESL activity, students can listen to six people from around the world answer a similar question, and then take a quiz, learn vocabulary, and watch a related video.

Source : elllo Mixer #113 Best and Worst Movie Genres

Romantic Movies

Posted: 18 January,2016 in TASSP, Uncategorized

Would you help ?

Posted: 6 December,2015 in TASSP, Uncategorized

Some tips for the TASSP

Posted: 26 November,2015 in TASSP, Uncategorized

Here are some tips to help you to prepare your phone call with the manager of the London Language School. Cheers up ! ( Cliquez sur le téléphone pour ouvrir le document)


Say something

Posted: 26 October,2015 in 1REST, 2ASSP, CAP, TASSP, TST2S

The best way to improve your English

Posted: 13 October,2015 in TASSP


My job for dummies

Posted: 12 October,2015 in TASSP

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